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We want to publish any and all artwork, poetry, and prose submissions from children 17 and under.

Submission Guidelines

  1. All submissions must include the Submission Form, with a parent or guardian signature.  All fields must be filled out, or the submission will not be considered for contests or publication.
  2. All written submissions must be typed.  They will not be returned. 
  3. No submissions may contain foul languarge.
  4. All submissions must be your original work.
  5. Artwork may be scanned and emailed or mailed on disk or cd to us, or you can foward a photograph of the work, but we will need the signed Parental Consent to Publish Forum before the submission will be considered for publication or entry in contests. If artwork is too large or fragile to be mailed, please email submissions@thekidsforum.com and we will make other arrangements.

    Click here to access the Submission Form

    Mailing Directions
    All original submissions must be mailed with the signed Parental Consent to Publish Form to:
    The Kids' Forum
    c/o Bugglesbee Publications
    P.O. Box 4486
    Marietta, GA 30061-4486

    The Kids' Forum * C/O Bugglesbee Publications * P.O.Box 4486 * Marietta, GA 30061-4486